Easy Summer Project

What to do when you are bored out of your mind 

My summer has been consumed by one site and one site only: PINTEREST. Every girl basically knows what pinterest is (and if you don't I'm sorry for getting you hooked). Pinterest is basically a black hole that sucks in unsuspecting girls with its pretty picture and insanely ingenuous ideas. There was many projects I planned on doing this summer yet I was more ambitious than I should have been! There was one in particular that I absolutely was thrilled about making which was my completely customized clock (yay!). It cost only around 8 dollars with the clock being 4 dollars and from Walmart (i believe it was the Mainstay brand), the teal spray pain was $3.50 (from Walmart also) and the gray acrylic paint was only 50 cents (from Micheal's on sale for 50 cents each). 

The first step to this process is to disassemble the clock (removing the glass cover and the hour,minute and second hands) and cover the face of it in order to prevent the paint from bleeding into the clock face. I did this by having a few layers of construction paper cover the clock
Next is the super fun part! Spray painting! I am fortunate enough to have a spray painting station that can be used outside and allows for the paint to disperse through the station rather than stick to the station creating giant globs around the items I'm painting, It's basically chicken wire stapled to a giant wooden frame, I find this a great way to paint without having to worry about the surface absorbing or blocking the paint on any object.
And yes that is an appearance by my lovely cat in the background (just in case you were wondering). I sprayed two coats of my teal paint just to ensure and even color for the clock. On the can it says it takes at least 4 hours before you can touch the paint but, I live in Florida which is like the hottest place during the summer and it dried in half that time. Just pay attention to what your spray can says and you should be fine!

While my clock dried, I painted the part that secures the glass on top of the clock paint. I painted this part gray to match my bed spread that I will have in my dorm (which is teal, gray and white). I painted this will acrylic paint and then coated it with the Modge Podge gloss finish to mimic the spray paint gloss finish I will get on my clock.
Once everything dried, I put my newly painted clock together and viola! The great thing about this was that I had a cheap customized clock that would make my dorm room walls have a pop of color and it goes quite well with my color scheme!
Hope you enjoyed this little summer project of mine! Hopefully I can show you a better picture of how this looks on the wall of my future dorm. Please leave any comments you would like and definitely share with me if you tried this out! 
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