New Year's Resolution 2015

1. Healthy Eating:
Yes, I can already read you're mind: "everyone makes that resolution" but, mine is a little different. I have iron-deficient anemia (not sickle cell, thank the lord) which causes me to feel drowsy and have chronic headaches if my hemoglobin count falls under 12.5. I was first diagnosed in 2012 during my Sophomore year in high school and I immediately adapted my diet to become healthier and I was able to live with these. Recently, college life has affected me and my health went on a slow decline. Without my lovely (nagging) parents, I didn't take my iron supplements or eat lots of raisins (help absorb iron) and spinach (iron filled). I have since started feeling similar to before I was diagnosed and I need to change that. I will keep a tiny little food journal so that I can track my diet much better and try to be more motivated than I was last semester.

2. Exercise
I go to the University of Central Florida which literally built a state-of-the-art (as seen below) only 2 years ago and I don't even use it. It's "free" as in there is no membership fee but, it is a fee included in Tuition for 14.32 fee PER credit hour (it will be about 190 this semester for 13 credit hours). I might as well use it because I am paying for it. I am not going to make some ridiculous goal of going to the gym 5 times a week every week but, I will try and exercise about 30 minutes a week which, even with my busy schedule shouldn't be too terribly hard.


3.Spend WAY less on makeup:
I know this might be a hard one to keep up with but, I will try. I own a lot of makeup. It is not some $5,000 collection you'll see giant beauty gurus on youtube have but, it is still a lot more than the average person. I will obviously replace things like foundation, concealer, primer and mascara as these tend to have shorter shelf lives but, other products like lipstick, eye shadow, eyeliner, lipgloss and brushes will not garner as much money as typical. I will definitely be shopping more sales, clearance and places like hautelook to save money because it is hard to justify spending $22 on a single lipstick when I have buy textbooks every semester for $50+ a book.

4. Create a blog schedule:
I pretty much post really randomly here and I feel like an actual schedule would help me feel more organized. Look for my new posts every Monday and Friday in 2015!

5. Study Schedule:
I have an incredibly hard semester coming up with Organic Chemistry I, Microbiology Lecture and Lab, Neurobiology and Intro to Medical Careers. Even though it is 13 credit hours, it will be 13 incredibly demanding hours. I just got a Kate Spade Planner for 2015 and since it is incredibly cute and well organized, I believe it will help to inspire me to continually use it. I have tried to do this in the past, but only succeed for the first month or two. I want 2015 to be different and with this difficult schedule, it might just have to be.

6. Read the bible cover to cover:
I am a Christian (sorry if you don't agree but, it is what I truly believe and I'll accept you as who you are if you believe differently) and I have never read the bible thoroughly. I know all of the main parts like the Birth, Persecution, Death and Rising of Jesus Christ, Moses freeing the Jews, Adam and Eve and others like it but, I do not have much knowledge past that and I feel really ashamed about it. I am obviously not going to read it in a day but, my goal is to finish it my December 31st, 2015.

7. Be Calm:
Every so often I have that moment in my car, driving on I-95 to school with a person tailgating me in my car in which I just get really angry at the meanness of this person on my bumper for no reason. In the grand scheme of things, this really has no effect on my life whatsoever and I need to keep my cool. I feel like these little changes will help to make me happier all around if I just keep my cool.

8. Volunteer more:
Last semester, I volunteered at the food pantry on UCF's campus and I absolutely loved every minute of it. I still plan on volunteering my time to this organization but, I want to expand my horizons to other great organizations. I have no idea what organizations yet but, I hope to figure it out soon. If you have any suggestions, I would love to hear them in the comments below!!
9. Declutter everything:
I want to get rid of a lot of stuff I don't use. I'm talking makeup, clothes, shoes, jewelry. etc. I plan on selling some to Plato's closet and donating the rest to the salvation army. I will have a series going on the blog soon!

10. Spend less time on the internet:
This will be incredibly hard but, it will be worth it. I find myself sitting down for multiple hours on end surfing the interweb doing nothing productive. That time could be better spent on some of my other resolutions above. I will still have to use the internet obviously or I just wouldn't have a blog or a way to do homework but, I use the internet as a way to avoid things like chores. I mean why clean your room or do laundry when videos of dogs on roombas or tiny hamsters eating tiny burritos exist?? (watch it the dogs there and the tiny hamsters here), Although these videos will still demand my attention, it will be on a much smaller scale than typical.

What are your resolutions? Are any of them similar to mine? Comment down below!!!


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