What I Got For Christmas 2014: Food

CHOCOLATE!! I love chocolate and my family truly understands that! Here is all of it together:

Milk, Dark and White Chocolate? Ummmm yes please! I love Godiva Truffles so much! These are sweet and creamy and a nice little treat to have at the end of a long school day!

This is a fantastic combination! I love the minty, sweet mix that makes them feel quite refreshing.

These is one of the first "luxury" chocolate candy I ever got. I love these because they are a great size and shape to just pop in your mouth. The filling on these are more creamy and milky than Godiva.

Dark chocolate is my favorite so this was much appreciated!!

If there was ever a candy that reminded me of the beach, this is it! I love the sweet & salty mix!

Rice Crispies & Chocolate?? I love these so much because they are the upscale version of one of my favorite treats as a kid!

These are interesting and I am not sure how to feel. The are potato chips, pretzels and chocolate chunks. I mean, don't get me wrong, they're fantastic but, the texture is something to get used to.

No, just, no. I like myself some dark chocolate but 85% Cocoa is too much. This will be used for fondue and some sugar will be added.

Florida has had a cold front the last few days so Hot Chocolate was consumed in large quantities. I love these because they feel like real chocolate (they are from target and cost $1 a piece). I like both of these because they are a sweet & salty kind of mix.

What could ever be in this beautiful pink bag??


This cutey has Hershey's Kisses in him.

I'm a college student who lives in a dorm with a community kitchen on the floor but not in my suite. Sometimes it is really hard to justify leaving the comfort of my room to go cook dinner. These snacks come in handy a lot when I'm hungry!

Chocolate is beautiful! And so are cookies! I love what I got!

Money is always appreciated! Starbucks is a great asset for any college student to stay awake during all nighters. A good pedicure can really turn your day around!

This is one of my favorite Christmases ever! What did you get? Any cool or weird gifts? Comment down below!!


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